martes, 5 de agosto de 2008

RSpec in Ubuntu: Setting up testing environment

Recently, I had a difficult time when my computer crashed.. After reinstalling Ubuntu desktop, and all the tools I realized how important is to maintain documents about how things are installed and configured :P

One of the things that I've been forced to research was rspec (installation and configuration) in order to restore what I've already had. This is the motivation for this entry: document the way I consider useful to install and customize rspec with notifications, and reports, etc.

Install the gems

Assuming that you already have installed rails ( and an application (let's called it myapp) suitable to use with rspec. In this context, we are going to install the ZenTest gem (which includes rspec & autotest):

gem install ZenTest
gem install diff-lcs

After that, You'll need to install both rspec and rspec-rails plugins within your Rails application. For that matter, you should check: (where it shows the different procedures you should follow to install it depending on your version of Rails).

After this step, you'll be able to run the autotest tool from the command line.

Configure autotest

Then in the myapp you have to create the configuration file .autotest:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'autotest/redgreen'
def self.notify title, msg, img, pri='low', time=3000
`notify-send -i #{img} -u #{pri} -t #{time} '#{msg}'`
Autotest.add_hook :ran_command do |at|
results = [at.results].flatten.join("\n")
output = results.slice(/(\d+)\s+examples?,\s*(\d+)\s+failures?(,\s*(\d+)\s+not implemented)?(,\s*(\d+)\s+pending)?/)
folder = "~/Pictures/autotest/"
if output =~ /([123456789]|[\d]{2,})\sfailures?/
notify "FAIL:", "#{output}", folder+"rails_fail.png", 'critical', 10000
elsif output =~ /[1-9]\d*\spending?/
notify "PENDING:", "#{output}", folder+"rails_pending.png", 'normal', 10000
notify "PASS:", "#{output}", folder+"rails_ok.png"

This code hooks in the autotest evaluation process and invokes the command line utility notify-send with the result of the evaluation. It also uses this pictures within their notifications (that enhance the user experience):

Configure Ubuntu notifiactions

Finally, you have to install the following package in your system:

sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin

This tool enable us to display pop-ups within Ubuntu's environment.

RSpec reports

Other important file for autotest is /spec.opts, which is located at myapp/spec:

--format html:doc/rspec_results.html
--format progress
--loadby mtime

In this configuration I specify that I want autotest to keep running in the console and, at the same time, I want to generate the html report (rspec_results.html).

Run autotest & see results.

After you configure all that I mentioned, you are able to execute the utility autotest from myapp directory and obtain the following results:

marcelo@host:~/workspace/myapp$ autotest
loading autotest/rails_rspec
/usr/bin/ruby1.8 -S script/spec -O spec/spec.opts spec/controllers/users_routing_spec.rb spec/views/users/show.html.erb_spec

This will generate the following output in the console:

You can also check the details results of doc/rspec_results.html in your browser: